深圳灵敏科技拥有专业多点触控技术、高清显示技术。是集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的高科技公司。灵敏科技以触控显示设备厂家为企业发展目标。产品主 要涵盖:教育触控液晶白板、触摸查询机、触摸电视、会议通白板、触控游戏机、排队叫号系统;高清网络广告机、车载广告机、多媒体信息发布系统、户外高亮信 息发布设备,产品支持定制开发。产品广泛应用于教育、培训、部队文化建设、移动通信大厅展示、轨道交通信息发布、交通指挥、银行信息发布、连锁商超信息发 布、汽车4S店广告信息发布、酒店广告信息发布、电台新闻播报、企业视频会议等领域。
Shenzhen sensitive technology with professional multi touch technology, high-definition display technology. Is set research and development, production, sales, service as one of the high-tech companies. Sensitive technology to the touch control display equipment manufacturers for the enterprise development goals. The main products include: education should touch LCD whiteboard, query machine, touch TV, meeting on whiteboard, touch game machine, queuing system; HD network advertising machine, car ads, multimedia information publishing system, outdoor highlighting information release equipment, product support custom development. Products are widely used in education, training, culture, military mobile communication hall show, track traffic information, traffic, bank information release, chain business information dissemination, auto 4S shop advertising information release, hotel advertising information release, radio news broadcast, video conferencing and other fields of enterprise.
文章来源于:重庆网站建设 重庆建站公司 重庆做网站
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10年专业互联网服务经验 重庆最专业网站团队 资深行业分析策划 B2C营销型网站建设领先者 最前沿视觉设计、研发能力 时刻最新技术领先研发能力 具有完备的项目管理 完善的售后服务体系 深厚的网络运营经验
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